Conscience is a non-profit educational organization helping to uplift the underprivileged section of the society

How do we work?

Empowering Lives through Compassion at Conscience NGO

Welcome to Conscience NGO, a haven of compassion committed to transforming the lives of underprivileged children and elders.

Our Mission: Driven by a deep sense of responsibility, Conscience NGO focuses on breaking down the barriers of poverty, providing education, healthcare, and holistic support.

Nurturing Dreams: We believe in the power of education to uplift dreams. Conscience NGO is dedicated to nurturing the aspirations of underprivileged children, empowering them with knowledge and encouragement.

Comprehensive Well-being: Our initiatives extend beyond healthcare; they embody a holistic approach to well-being, ensuring the physical, mental, and emotional health of every individual.

Empathy for the Elderly: In the symphony of Conscience NGO, we honor and care for our elderly community members, creating a melody of comfort and dignity in their golden years.

Transparency, Accountability, Your Impact: Conscience NGO operates transparently and holds itself accountable. Your support is not just measured; it's felt in the tangible change it brings to the lives we touch.

Join Our Compassionate Journey: Be a part of our journey towards a compassionate, inclusive society. Your support, whether through contributions, volunteering, or spreading awareness, lights up the path toward a better world.

Thank you for being a cherished part of our compassionate mission.

Fueled by Empathy, Driven by Determination

At Conscience NGO, our approach is woven with threads of empathy and driven by an unwavering determination to make a meaningful impact in the lives of the underprivileged. Our methodology reflects the compassion that fuels our mission and the resilience that propels us forward.

Our Core Team

Meet Our Compassionate Team: Guided by compassion, our team harmonizes efforts to make a sustainable impact, fostering empowerment and collaboration.

a man with a beard and glasses on a white background
a man with a beard and glasses on a white background

Debayan Bhattacharya, a distinguished IT professional at one of India's premier banks, seamlessly merges his corporate acumen with a heartfelt dedication to philanthropy. Committed to making a difference, Debayan channels his efforts into meaningful NGO activities focused on the well-being of both children and the elderly, embodying a true spirit of compassion in both his professional and charitable pursuits.


Apratim Ganguly, a distinguished doctor practicing in the renowned hospitals of Kolkata, India, not only excels in healthcare but also extends his healing touch to the community. Passionately committed to NGO activities, Apratim focuses on enhancing the well-being of both children and the elderly, embodying a compassionate dual role as a healthcare professional and a dedicated humanitarian.





a man in glasses and a black jacket
a man in glasses and a black jacket


Amarkant Shaw, an adept IT professional making strides in Canada's corporate sector with a top multinational corporation, extends his impact beyond technology to community service. Wholeheartedly committed to NGO initiatives for the well-being of children and the elderly, Amarkant embodies the harmonious integration of his IT career with philanthropic endeavors.


Santu Das, an accomplished IT professional in a leading multinational corporation in India, seamlessly combines his technological expertise with a compassionate commitment to community service. Devoted to NGO-related activities, Santu actively contributes to initiatives aimed at improving the lives of both children and the elderly, showcasing a unique blend of corporate excellence and social responsibility.

Adrejit Roy, a proficient IT professional within a prominent Swedish bank, not only excels in the corporate realm but also exemplifies a strong commitment to social welfare. Currently residing in Sweden, Adrejit actively engages in NGO initiatives focused on enhancing the well-being of children and the elderly, bridging the gap between his corporate career and philanthropic endeavors.

Nirmal Das, an accomplished engineer turned entrepreneur, is making waves in the business landscape of the Middle East Countries. Despite his thriving business commitments, Nirmal remains deeply dedicated to NGO activities, tirelessly working towards improving the lives of children and the elderly, showcasing a commendable commitment to both business success and social impact.

Probal Bose, a seasoned IT professional contributing to the European corporate landscape within a leading multinational corporation, channels his expertise beyond technology to foster positive change. Devoted to NGO initiatives for the well-being of children and the elderly, Probal exemplifies the fusion of his IT career with a heartfelt commitment to social impact.

Bhaskar, an entrepreneurial engineer based in Kolkata, has transitioned from his engineering roots to pursue his own business ventures. Beyond his professional endeavors, Bhaskar dedicates himself to meaningful NGO activities, focusing on the welfare of both children and the elderly, showcasing a harmonious blend of business acumen and a compassionate spirit.

"Empowering the young minds and honoring the seasoned hearts, our NGO strives to bridge generations through the pillars of health and education, fostering a legacy of compassion and knowledge for a brighter, interconnected future."